Editorial policy

Herald of Science of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University is a peer-reviewed Journal that publishes original articles on a wide range of current research in veterinary sciences.


The purpose of the Journal is to highlight modern theoretical and practical research in the field of agriculture, to implement a policy of open access to peer-reviewed publications, to promote the improvement of scientific information exchange, to increase the citation of articles, and the effectiveness of scientific activity of the authors.


Founder: NJSC " Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University".


Thematic focus of the Journal: anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, embryology, biotechnology, molecular and cellular biology, pharmacology and toxicology, pathology, microbiology, virology, parasitology, infectious diseases, surgery, internal non-communicable diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, reproduction and artificial insemination, animal genetics.


The Journal is published 4 times a year:

Issue No. 1: January-March

Issue No. 2:  April-June

Issue No. 3: July-September

Issue No. 4: October-December

Manuscript submission deadlines: Issue No. 1 – February 15; Issue No. 2 – May 15; Issue No. 3 – August 15; Issue No. 4 – November 15.

Editorial Board of the Journal may extend the manuscript submission period by no more than 1 month.


Requirements for manuscripts

Articles that have not been previously published and that correspond to the thematic focus of the Journal and are formatted strictly according to the manuscript requirements described in the Guidelines for authors are accepted for publication. The manuscript of the article is submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal by the correspondence author. Manuscripts of original and review articles of at least 11,000 and 20,000 characters without spaces and excluding the abstract and list of references, respectively, are accepted for publication in the Journal.  The manuscript must be uploaded via the Open Journal System online platform by the corresponding author, indicating all the metadata of the article and its authors. Communication between the Editors, the corresponding author and reviewers is carried out via the specified online platform, and in exceptional cases - via e-mail vestniknauki@bk.ru. One article is accepted per issue from the first and/or corresponding author. Authors are responsible for the reliability, novelty, and evidence-based nature of the research results.


Plagiarism check

When reviewing a manuscript according to formal requirements, the Editorial Board checks for the presence of borrowed text in the manuscript using the Antiplagiat.ru verification system. The originality of manuscripts must be at least 70%. Mentions of the results of other authors must be accompanied by references to the relevant primary sources, which must be included in the list of references. Citation of text previously published elsewhere must be formatted as direct speech with mandatory indication of the original source. Inclusion of large fragments of borrowed text in the manuscript is unacceptable. If the fact of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is established, the article will be retracted, even if it has already been published (see the Procedure for Retraction of Articles).


Review Procedure

Reviewing is confidential (the Journal uses double-blind reviewing). Information about the reviewer is anonymous for the authors and is available only to the Editorial Board. If the manuscript complies with the Journal's subject matter and design requirements, the Editor-in-chief sends it for preliminary review to the Scientific Editor, who checks the content of the manuscript and appoints 2 (two) reviewers with the closest specialization to the topic of the manuscript. It is permissible to appoint as a reviewer a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal who has specialization in the subject area of ​​the manuscript under consideration. The review period is 15 days, but if necessary it can be extended in order to obtain an objective review. The author of the article under review is given the opportunity to read the review. If the review contains recommendations for improving the manuscript, the Editor sends it to the author with a proposal to take them into account when revising the manuscript or to reasonably (partially or completely) refute the reviewer's comments. The revised version of the manuscript, which takes into account the reviewer's comments, is sent to the same reviewer for additional review. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the Editorial Board. Reviewing is free of charge.


Open Access Policy and Archiving

The Journal provides open access to its content on web page http://bulletinofscience.kazatu.edu.kz/index.php/bulletinofscience, which provides broad information access to the Journal. Authors who submit their articles for publication in the Journal thereby express their consent to the publication of the article in open access on the Journal's website, to the transfer of the text of the article to persons and organizations where the provision of such information is mandatory, or to other persons in order to ensure the possibility of citing the publication and increasing the citation index of the authors and the Journal. The Journal's website also provides the necessary information for authors and readers about its activities: requirements for articles, guidelines for authors, manuscript review, publication ethics, article retraction procedure, information about the Editorial Board, and contact information for the Journal's Editorial Board.



The authorship of the manuscript belongs to those researchers who directly participated in the creation of the manuscript, the formation of the concept, writing the article, interpreting the results and made a significant contribution to obtaining scientific results. Authors retain the rights to their manuscripts, while allowing readers to freely download and use the results of their research in the preparation of scientific and educational-methodological works with a mandatory reference. For all these actions, when indicating a reference to the Journal, permission from the authors or the publisher is not required. Authors retain the right to distribute their article in other sources (for example, in an institutional archive, social networks, etc.) with a mandatory link to its original publication in the Journal.