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жыл мезгілдері, сүт өнімділігі, сүттің химиялық құрамы, майдың массалық үлесі, ақуыздың массалық үлесі.


The article presents the results of studies of milk production, chemical composition of the milk of cows of Holstein breed and black-and-white breed depending on the season. The studies were conducted throughout two successive years (2014-2015) on milk samples collected from the cows of two breeds, i.e. of holstein breed and black-and-white breed. The amount of milk was the lowest of the cows which calved in winter. Highest initial quantity of milk was achieved by cows which calved in summer. The percentage of fat in milk was lower of those cows which calved in summer and spring and the highest value of fat in milk of those cows who that calved in winter.

