xylotrophic fungi, oyster mushrooms, substrate, uterus mycelium, cultivation, seed mycelium, mushroom blocks, fruiting body.Abstract
Purpose: Since the xylotrophic mushroom production in Kazakhstan is relatively poorly developed, comparing to the European mushroom productions, and considering that many mushroom complexes of Kazakhstan use exterior or often lowquality mycelium, searching the most optimal medium of the substrate for an oyster mushroom is essential. The current research aimed to optimize the substrate of the oyster mushroom by applying various plant extracts and vitamins as additives to the
medium. Results: the first set of analyses established a positive impact of extracts of buckwheat, barley and sainfoin on the growth rate of mushroom tissue on Agar. Further analysis showed that adding vitamins of group B (B1, B6, B12) increases the
growth rate of grain spawn by 16-30%. Along with that, further impact of vitaminson the rate of growth was ascertained. The transferred mycelium colonized new medium faster than the standard by 10-20%. In the final part of the research it was
established that mushroom blocks based on wheat and rapeseed together with mushroom blocks with vitamins B3 and B6 have significantly higher product yield and shorter harvest time.