
  • S.G. Каnаtbayev, Е.U. Baitlessov, R.А. Аmanzhol, А.N. Zhubantayeva, А. M. Aytkulova, D.B. Тоgzhanova


abortion, brucellosis, dynamics, morbidity, positively reactive animals, epizootic status,epizooticinspection,epizootologicmap, infection.


As a result of studying and analyzing the epizootic situation in recent years, it has been established that brucellosis of cattle and small cattle in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region is numerous, including sporadic distribution. In terms of the absolute number of animals with brucellosis detected annually, on average for 5 years, cattle and small cattle were on the first place, which shows the main role of these species of animals in epizootology of brucellosis in West Kazakhstan. Camels brucellosis is more common in the same areas where cattle brucellosis is most widespread. Analysis of the spatial distribution of human brucellosis and small cattle contamination has a positive correlation, confirming the animal’s role in human contamination. This data should alert the veterinary and medical service of the region and serve as a signal for the organization of effective anti-brucellosis
measures. In order to determine the epizootic status for brucellosis the territories of the regions were ranked by the incidence rate of cattle and small cattle, also an epizootological map of the zoning of the region for brucellosis was compiled which can be useful to the regional veterinary service during planning, organizing and conducting anti-brucellosisevents

