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мақсары, жоғары қысым, қалдықсыз өңдеу, биологиялық белсенді (БАЗ), тағам.


Safflower plants (roots, leaves, flowers) and the chemical composition of the surfactant has been detected. They are: proteins, fats, polyphenols, sugar, pectin, carotene, fiber, solarium, anthocyanins. We produced edible liquid oil, tea and food coloring from the safflower plant. We dentified macro and micronutrients in Saffower plants (roots, leaves, flowers). It contains iron, manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, cobalt, lead, zinc and copper. The amino acid composition of a safflower plant was defined. Aqueous extracts of safflower plants have been experimented on the ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis or UV/Vis). Safflower plants (roots, leaves, flowers), 40%, 70%, 90% ethyl composition solutions in ethanol were determined and solved by means of gas chromatography. It has been proven that the safflower plants in food processing is a valuable product and it is produced without waste.

