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Ветеринария, экспертиза, безопасность, мясо, колбасы, биогенные контаминанты


The article presents the results of veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products contaminated of biogenic xenobiotics (microorganisms, antibiotics). It was found that the organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of meat, chicken legs and sausage products contaminated nutrient xenobiotic specific abnormalities were not. Microbiological studies of beef, lamb and chicken legs showed that 50% of the sample studied, detected which mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms not to exceed the maximum allowable concentrations. Five batches of chicken legs Russian product found coliform bacteria, and in one batch from Ukraine found bacteria group Salmonella. Microbiological studies sausages showed the absence of the micro-flora. In the study on antibiotics their residues detected in samples of beef, chicken legs and in significant quantities
in sausage products. Thesampleslambresidualantibioticswerenotdetected.

