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точное земледелие, высевающее устройство, минеральные удобрения, дифференцированное внесение, система контроля и управления, переходный процесс


Study the transition process using private method has been considered in the given article. Studies have shown that dosing is carried out by means of the screw agitator, a coil dispenser, managed by the control unit of the metering system of the
machine by changing the turns of the coil through the stepless gearbox and a linear actuator provides stable functioning sowing system according to agro-technical requirements. Improved automated grain-fertilizers drill can differentiate sowing crops and fertilizer according to the tasks of electronic maps (in the mode of-line) in the received positioning system. The novelty of this work is metering system machines, technical devices to monitor and control and reasonable parameters and modes of operation are developed.

