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управление, уровень, техническое состояние, показатели надежности, циклы работ, сезонный ремонт, объем ремонта, лимитирующие части, методические разработки, показатели долговечности, усеченная информация.


Set of theoretical development, means of technical service, technological recommendations allowed to form a system of agricultural machineryservice. Devoloped methods for controlling the level of technical condition and reliability of machines for the basic cycle of agricultural machines.The relationship between the level of technical condition and performance reliability of tractors.Impoved methods of structural improvements tractors.Implementation of the main provisions of this system in agricultural production made it possible to control the level of technical condition and to improve the reliability of machines. In conclusion the operation of tractors increased by 20-30%, reduced downtime du to technical reasons by 15-20%.

