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минералдық тыңайтқыштар, нитратты азот, нөлдік технология, асбұршақ, рапс, ауыспалы егіс.


Results of researches on an assessment of predecessors of peas wheat and colza on moisture and mineral food supply are given in a crop rotation at zero technology. It is shown that crops of wheat on a colza are better provided with moisture, but worse with nitrogen, and vice versa on peas. The most effective options of fertilizer of wheat on peas and a colza are P20 and P20+N20 in rows.
Researches were conducted in 2012-2014 on the southern carbonate heavy loamy the black soil. The breed of wheat is called «Astana». Before seeding preseeding processing against weeds by «Raundap Extra» herbicide in a dose of 2,0-2,5 l/hectare was carried out. Attention is paid to the high level of the current nitrification owing to a mineralization of fossils favorable on moistening – in 2013 and 2014.

