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Инновациялық қадам, тұлғаның қалыптасуы, сыни танымдық көзқарас.


Major changes in the education system have been made in recent years. Realizing the made changes, we, lecturers of the educational organization we make huge purposeful work. One of them is introduction of the innovative training technologies directed to formation professional and key competences at students. Process of competences formation is considered as process of interaction of students and lecturers when the lecturer and student interact with each other during a lesson by means of application of active forms and methods of training when the lecturer and the student are on equal terms. In such situation training has
positive character, the level of a self-assessment of the student increases that promotes qualitative perception of a training material.
However, formation of competence goes not only through studying of subject matters, but also through all organization of out-of-class actions, students public life.

