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су ресурстары, табиғи ландшафты мелиорациялау, ауылшаруашылығы жерлерін мелиорациялау, су нысандарын мелиорациялау, су гидромелиорация, су пайдаланушы, нарықтық су қатынастары.


In this article scientifically justified the difference between water resources management and agricultural land melioration sectors, provided summaries and proposals useful for the science and production. The main idea of the work are connected with the summaries of the prominent scientists in the field of agricultural land melioration, that are developed on the principles of market
economy and the results of scientific investigations. It is proved that water resources management and agricultural land melioration are different sectors and is indicating its goals and actions. It is noted the necessity of improvement irrigation lands, the development of hydro melioration together with the other types agricultural land melioration, soil science and agro technology.

