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пшеница, ржавчина, устойчивость, эуплазматические и аллоплазматические линии.


The article presents the results of the assessment of sorts, hybrids euplasmatic and alloplasmic lines of the winter wheat according to three types (yellow, bora, stem) of the rust. 20 parental sorts are most resistant to yellow rust. Oleson dwarf, Bersec, Norin10, Kooperatorka, Kinelsky 4 Krasnnovodopadskaya 210. Resistant to brown rustis characterized of Krasnovodopad 210 Kinelsky 4
Ulyanovka, Odessa 16 Zernokormovaya 50, Oleson dwarf. Adaptability to stem rust showed in sortsMarfedert, Magnif 41 ert and line G-9179. Analysis of resistance in euplasmatic and alloplasmatic wheat lines with cytoplasm different sorts and grade of the genus Triticum, showed the influence of cytoplasm substituted for the degree of the resistance to rust fungi.

