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Pisum sativum L. - асбұршақ, in vitro селекция, каллустық ұлпа, натрий хлоридке төзімділік, осмотикалық стресстерге төзімділік


The objective of this research is study of various hybrids of pea (Pisum sativum L.). The aim of this research is obtaining plants regenerants using methods in vitro selection for resistance to abiotic stress (NaCl, PEG 6000). The effect of these selection agents on
processes of pea callus genesis, differentiation and organogenesis has been investigated. Different effects of applied selective agents on biomass growth of callus, frequency of morphogenetic and regeneration potential, as well as the reaction of pea genotypes on the impact of selective factors have been revealed. The selective agents (NaCl, PEG 6000) influenced the growth of
biomass more strongly compared to callus formation. Comparative evaluation of NaCl and PEG-6000 agents showed that NaCl is the most toxic stressor, which significantly inhibits morphogenesis and regeneration processes. Following the result of the research fertile plants have been obtained for reproduction to A.I. Barayev Grain Farming Research and Production Center.

