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идентификация, верификация, штаммдар, нуклеотидтік тізбек, филогенетикалық шежіре.


Checking the accuracy of the identification of Pleurotus pulmonarius carried out by comparing the characteristics of the nucleotide sequences of ITS region in 4 strains (Pp 4, Pp 6, Pp 8, Pp 12), isolated from natural populations of the fungus (using BLAST programs) with the nucleotide sequences of the respective type (JX535494. 1 Pleurotus pulmonarius), deposited in the GenBank data base. The
results showed 99% compliance of all our 4 strains of being compared with the corresponding strains GenBank. Common phylogenetic tree (dendrogram), phylogenetic relationships with other related species are created. All these data confirm the correctness of the identification of the species, which previously were conducted on the basis of macromorphological characters.

