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With the prolongation of pre-incubation storage hatchability of eggs from healthy young turkeys from 72.2% to 68.2%, from the eggs of geese from 64.6% to 55.2% decreased, while the ratio in the output female / males varied from turkey poults with 1, 00 / 1.02 to 1.00 / 1.26, at the goslings from 1.00 / 1.03 to 1.00 / 1.21. Hatchability of turkey eggs weighing 80-90 g was 75.4%, of goose eggs
weighing 140-150 g was 66.7% with an increase in the proportion of males with an increase in egg weight. Reduction of egg shape index decreased hatchability with increasing the proportion of males in the output. There was also a decline in hatchability of eggs with reduced density while maintaining an equal sex ratio of day-old chicks.

