fish, hydrochemistry, tilapia, geothermal source, circulating water supply system, industrial fish farming, fish-biological indicators.Abstract
This article presents the results of growing tilapian fish on geothermal sources. During the research, the hydrochemical regime of geothermal sources was determined, which showed below the norm of oxygen. Therefore, to optimize the hydrochemical regime in these water sources, degassing was carried out, carbon dioxide was reduced and oxygen was increased. In geothermal waters after
degassing in the cultivation of tilapia fish positively affected the growth rate of fish. The absolute increase in tilapia was determined in 156 g. In may-August 2019, studies on tilapia breeding in the circulating water supply system were carried out. Studies show that tilapia showed a good growth rate in the circulating water supply system with a relatively small feeding ratio, the absolute growth of
which was 326 g in 120 days.