
  • Abdina A. K. Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S. Seifullin'
  • Kakimzhanova M. K. Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S. Seifullin'
  • Sadykova T. M. Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S. Seifullin'




population ageing, demographic crisis, World Assemblies on Population Ageing, International Plan of Action on Population Ageing, increase in life expectancy, active longevity, decade of healthy ageing.


In our review, focusing on the general state of the problem of population aging in the world and in Kazakhstan, we came to the conclusion that the governments of the countries primarily pay attention to the economic consequences of this problem. For example, in Kazakhstan, the first reaction to the beginning of the aging process of the country's population was to raise the retirement age of people. In our opinion, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the aspects of the problem of population aging that affect labor productivity and other economic factors, but, first of all, to the social dimension of this phenomenon. Improving the quality of life of older people, first of all, taking care of their active and healthy longevity, should become a defining moment in the formation of the country's socio-economic policy. The problem is very relevant today, and consists of many different components that need to be investigated for completeness. In subsequent studies, we will address gender and ethnic factors, regional differences and differentiation between urban and rural populations as indicators of the problem of population aging, active leisure activities of older people, as well as the impact of population aging on technological progress. It seems that in connection with the declaration of 2020-2030 as the decade of healthy ageing, various aspects of the problem of population ageing will be a priority both in the analysis of the state of society and in the development of program documents for the social economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

