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Биодеструкторы, плесневые грибы, микроскопия, выделение чистой культуры, идентификация


The results of studies on isolation and identification of biodestructors of building materials of residential and administrative buildings in Astana and Kaskelen cities were described in the article. It was revealed that the main biodestructors of building materials in residential and administrative buildings are representatives of the genera Aspergillus spp. – 28%, Penicillium spp. – 17%, Chaetomium spp. – 17% and Alternaria spp. – 17%. It was studied cultural and morphological characteristics of molds.
Identification of biodestructors was made. It was determined the type of molds (fungi) as Aspergillus spp. (Asp. fumigatus, Asp. niger), Chaetomium spp. (Ch. atrobrunneum, Ch. globosum) and Alternaria alternate. Along with this, as construction materials of biodestructors it was set up the role of bacilli and yeasts.

