дегересские овцы, генотип, ярки, баранчики, бурая масть, рыжая масть, серая мастьAbstract
The results of the study of the growth and development of Aktogay sheep of different new factory lines of the new "meat-tallow-wool" intrabreed type degeress breed sheep with semi-coarse wool derived from different genotypes and have a typical suit (color coating of hair on the head and legs) animals these lines, respectively, brown - on the lines of "Konyr" red - on the lines of "Aksary" gray - on the lines of "Shubarbet." The features of growth and development of young degeressAktogai sheep population, depending of type of suit. It was found that the descendants degeress sheep, brown, red and gray colors of the new intrabreed "meat-tallow-wool type" significantly different in live weight at different ages and tend to increase these figures as lightening dyeing wool coating of hair on the head and legs animals.