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селекция, яровое тритикале, исходный материал, гибридные популяции, элитные растения, селекционные питомники, элементы структуры урожая, хозяйственно-ценные признаки.


In studying the morphological and biological characteristics of the spring triticale lines in the breeding nursery of the second year, it was found that grainforage varieties type triticale characterized by a high weight of grain from one ear. The potential productivity at the spike of this crop is huge. In general, such indicators as the number of grains per ear, weight of 1000 seeds and productivity
of spring triticale plant lines is largely exceeded the standard Astana 2000 spring wheat. Plants of this culture have a relatively high resistance to stem and leaf rust. At the same time, it should be noted that a significant disadvantage in a culture of spring triticale is defeated Fusarium and also given culture is prone to grain germination on a root or in the rolls.

