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: Модель сорта, селекция, исходный материал, гибридные формы, элементы структуры урожая, номы высева и сроки посева.


In the results of this study, preliminary parameters of cultivar ideotype in spring triticale have been developed for dry climate of Northern Kazakhstan. Time-points for seed sowing were optimised in studying varieties of spring triticale. The productivity of triticale sample was studied depending number of used seeds per squire unit. A density of productive tillers with heads was found to
have significant impact for the productivity of triticale cultivars in the experiments. Several prospective breeding lines of spring triticale were identified in second year field trial tests. High grain yield per spike, weight of thousand grains and effective tiller number with spikes per plant were important traits for plant selection. The presenting results for identified lines were used for preparation and verification of variety ideotype in spring triticale.

