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құмай дақылдары, күріш жүйелері, су режимі, минералдық тыңайтқыштар, топырақ ылғалдылығы, өнгіштік, өнімділік, өнім сапасы, протеин, ақуыз.


In a complex of agrotechnical receptions on increase of productivity of a sugar sorghum an important role is played by creation of optimum conditions for plant nutrition. The field experiments made on meadow and marsh soils of Kazakhstan Priaralya demonstrate that a sugar sorghum, as well as any crop, very well responds on an irrigation and application of mineral fertilizers during vegetations. So, in relation to this region in the conditions of an irrigation to produce high and stable yields of green mass of sorghum it is necessary to support limit of field moisture capacity at the level of not lower than 70-80% of least moisture capacity and to apply nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, according to zonal the recommended dose N60P60+ N60.

