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терек, тал, плантация, қалемше, агротехникалық шаралар, топырақ талдау


Results of theestablishment of timber plantations from fast-growing tree species on dark chestnut soils in Akkol state institution of forestryare givenin this article. The scheme of planting is 3x1m. After two years of observations the lowest growth dynamics in the first year ofp.bolleana Lauche makes up 38,75sm and p.candicans Aitmakes up 75,85sm, in the second year 65.7 and 219 sm, the safety 7.1 and 3.5%. S. fragilis L. in the first year reached the height of 234,1, S. abla L.- 250,5 sm. Safety ofS. abla L.was 28.3% which is higher than S. fragilis L. Good results showed Hybrid poplar Kazakhstanica and p.pyramidalis Rozier, which are recommended to forest plantation cultivation for energy purposes.

