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The growth and development of second generation heifers and cows of the first generation compared with their mothers, imported from Canada is studied in the given article. Holsteins breed are taller, wider, with an expressed dairy body type, the blood indicators are within the limits of the physiological norms. In General, it should be noted that at all tested animals dairy body type is
expressed brightly, what their long-legged indexes indicate. It was 54.0±1,1 at the daughters of Holstein breed, when at mothers this indicator was much lower - 52.4 and at their granddaughters it was higher - 55,8, while the bone index 15,5 at granddaughters was higher, at mothers - 15.0 and at daughters a little bit lower - 13.7. The exterior of cows is correlated with the milk productivity. Usually, wellbuilt animals are characterized by high productivity. Cows of Holstein breed have good built development in appearance forming the milk production, it is mostly latitudinal measurements from which the chest circle is aggregate, linking chest depth
and width.

