disinfection, veterinary-sanitary, animal husbandry, cattlebreeding room, chemical, Kristall-900, microorganisms, efficiency, hygiene of contents, object.Abstract
A significant part of innovative developments for the introduction of changes in the content of animals, their feeding and reproduction, which are based on innovation, either does not reach the practical implementation, or in fact, it brings much less benefit than planned. One of the reasons for these trends is the lack of real tools to plan, evaluate and control innovations in such areas as hygiene content, which is an important factor in keeping animals. The article suggests the results of the conducted experiments based on the analysis of the chemical preparation possibilities, taking into account the specificity of the content in the
given farm. The analysis made it possible to reveal its effectiveness as a chemical for microorganisms. At the first stage, we conducted experiments to test the effectiveness of the Kristall-900 disinfectant. In the system of veterinary and sanitary measures. ensuring the well-being of livestock in infectious diseases, increasing the productivity of animals and the sanitary quality of products, feedstuffs of animal origin, disinfection is one of the important places. The result of the work done by the author of the study is to suggest a transition to safer for animals and to the environment, based on biological living microorganisms, which
in its conceptual framework is oriented towards finding ways to improve veterinary and sanitary hygiene of the premises for keeping animals and improving it based on unpredictable changes in the external environment. Thus, it can be concluded
that the use of the proposed disinfectant chemical nature does not fully ensure high-quality and safe disinfection of the treated surfaces.