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полимер, кешкен, пролонгация, десорбция, белсендіру энергиясы.


Complexation of polyampholyte based on ethyl 3-aminocrotonate and acrylic acid, polyelectrolyte of polyacrylic acid and neutral poly-Nvinylpyrrolidone hydrogels with a local anesthetic drug - riсhlokain investigated by turbidimetric, potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods. From the temperature dependence the energy of activation of diffusion at drug release is defined.
In the study, the detection of patterns of experimental studies and thermodynamic calculation of the same low and gel s by the degree of binding and release time of rihlokain arranged in a row: GEEACA- AA - riсhlokain> GPAANa - riсhlokain> GPVPD - riсhlokain. Among the compared hydrogels the polyampholytic hydrogel based on ethyl 3-aminocrotonate and acrylic acid is the
most suitable, revealing a significant increase in the time of release riсhlokain.

