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оралмандар, оралман, қоныс-аудару, әлеуметтік және психологиялық бейімделу, тарихи отан,социологиялық зерттеу .


The authors investigated on the basis of sociological research conducted in the village of "Nurly kosh" Akmola region, the problems of social and psychological adaptation of repatriates, success and achievements in their historical homeland, as well as the difficulties and challenges they faced.The article gives a general social characteristics of respondents by age and sex composition, education level, length of stay in Kazakhstan. An important part of the research is to investigate the reasons motivating the respondents to return on their historical homeland. In the course of sociological research were identified many unresolved socio-economic and culturalpsychological problems of repatriates which influence the nature and extent of mental adaptation and integration into a new social reality.

